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RiboAbacus is a novel computational tool trained on experimental images of human polysomes obtained by nano-resolution microscopy. Given the sequence and the abundance of a transcript, RiboAbacus allows to i) estimate the number of ribosomes per mRNA, ii) compute transcript-specific translation efficiencies. RiboAbacus can be applied to single transcripts or to entire transcriptomes from any biological system.


Please cite the following article when using RiboAbacus:

Lauria F, Tebaldi T, Lunelli L, Struffi P, Gatto P, Pugliese A, Brigotti M, Montanaro L, Ciribilli Y, Inga A, Quattrone A, Sanguinetti G, Viero G. RiboAbacus: a model trained on polyribosome images predicts ribosome density and translational efficiency from mammalian transcriptomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Dec 15;43(22):e153
